Erica multiflora

Erica multiflora

Perennial bush of the heather family - ericaceae- till 2 m. tall. Erect stems. Leaves in whorls. Flowers grouped in compact racemes with...

Pottery Craftsmanship

Pottery Craftsmanship

Pottery craftsmanship is one of Mallorca’s most dynamic artisan activities. The most common objects made are those used everyday in the...

The Mallorcan cow

The Mallorcan cow

OriginsExperts in the ethnology of animal breeding claim that this kind of bovine stems from the bos primigenius, which came from Egypt to...

Viola jaubertiana

Viola jaubertiana

Characteristics: A perennial stoloniferous herbaceous plant, with leaves cordate and with long petioles, arranged in a basal rosette.    ...

The Puig de Monti-sion

The Puig de Monti-sion

Some summits are the symbols of villages. The Puig de Montisión is one of those for the village Porreres. Precisely for the porrerencs,...

Denominació d'Origen Binissalem Mallorca
flor d'Ametler. The fragance of mallorca
Food Tours Mallorca
Can Prunera - Museu Modernista
Club del Ca Rater Mallorquí
Fotos cycling de Xisco Munar