A perennial stoloniferous herbaceous plant, with leaves cordate and with long petioles, arranged in a basal rosette.
Differs from the rest of the stoloniferous violets by its very pale green, shiny and coriaceous leaves.
The flowers are odourless, blue with a cream coloured base in which a spur is present.
Observations: Endemism of the “Serra de Tramuntana”, Mallorca.
Province distribution: Balearic Islands.
Distribution in the islands: Mallorca.
General distribution: Mediterranean (Balearic).
Endemisms: Balearic Islands.
Flowering time: March. April. May.
Life-forms: Hemicryptophyte.
Habitat: Shady rock outcrops.
Plants protected by law:
Balearic Catalogue. Bern Convention. Habitat Directive.
Status: Endemic.