Stuffed, and baked fish “a lo Fra Roger”. By Santi Taura

For the stuffing:
• Breadcrumbs
• Toasted ground pine nuts
• Toasted ground Majorcan almonds
• Chopped parsley..

• Diced tomatoes, roasted with salt, oil, garlic and sugar
• Lightly toasted saffron
• Ground clove
• Garlic confit
• Salt
• Pepper
• Small chopped raisins
Tap de Corti paprika

Other ingredients:
• Fish: Hake, cod, sea bass…
• Olive oil
• Garlic
• Water
• Salt
• Confit potatoes (with garlic and oil)
• 1 Orange
• Black wine caramel (reduction of wine and sugar)

Stuffed, and baked fish “a lo Fra Roger”. By Santi Taura
Stuffed, and baked fish “a lo Fra Roger”. By Santi Taura

For the filling: in a pestle and mortar combine the salt, pepper, clove, saffron and garlic confit.

Add the remaining ingredients to obtain a juicy filling.

Clean the fish, cut down the middle, salt and stuff, coat the fish with the stuffing too.

For the sauce: vacuum pack the fish bones and skin with a splash of water, 2 cloves of garlic, and a slug of olive oil, steam for one hour and strain.

Using a stick blender and adding some olive oil make a mayonaise with this mixture. Add orange juice and zest.

Sprinkle olive oil over the fish and roast at a high heat for a few minutes.

Plate up the sauce, fish, confit potatoes, tomato and red wine caramel.

Pescado “a lo Fra Roger”, relleno y al horno. By Santi Taura
Stuffed, and baked fish “a lo Fra Roger”. By Santi Taura

By Santi Taura.