Eine andere Sportart, die immer mehr Anhänger auf den Illes Balears findet, ist Golf. Die klimatischen Voraussetzungen für diese Sportart sind einfach paradiesisch für leidenschaftliche Golfspieler. Mit dem Ziel, im Winter Touristen anzulocken, die dem Golfsport frönen, sind deshalb überall Golfplätze entstanden und die Zahl an Golfclubs liegt bereits bei 25. zwei und zwanzing davon auf Mallorca, zwei liegen auf Ibiza und ein Golfplatz befindet sich auf Menorca.
Mallorca is becoming the point of migration for those golfers from northern Europe who can not play in their respective countries during the months of October through April for its golf courses being closed due to bad weather. With Palma to 2 hour flight, approximately, and the road communication network of the island, providing access to the sport so dear to its practitioners.
During the months of September to October and from January to May, the typical Mediterranean climate is pleasant, even a few days enjoying spring. What makes Mallorca an ideal place to practice golf.
Golf Clubs
Mallorca has over fifteen high-level clubs, most with 18 holes, among which are: Vall d’Or Golf, Real Golf de Bendinat, Santa Ponsa Golf, Son Vida Golf, etc.
Proliferate every year the traditional international trophies or championship golf, as the Mallorca Classic Course, which serve as excellent advertising slogan for potentially thousands of golfers who are willing to travel to Mallorca to play their favorite sport.
The tourist island status is well connected by air with major European capitals, ranging from 2 to 3 hours the time needed to travel the route between Central Europe and anywhere in Mallorca. Finally, tourism in Mallorca is superb, the visitor can find the hotel establishment that best suits their budget. In addition, several hotels offer special attention to the golfer who is Discount Golf clubs, discounts on car rentals, etc …