Canyoning in MallorcaFew people visiting Mallorca looking for sun and beaches, imagine up to what extent this island can surprise the visitor with its magic corners with water, pools and majestic springs.

Canyoning in Mallorca


The geology of the Serra has made it possible that we can enjoy this kind of sport along the Serra de Tramuntana. We offer the possibility of following the course of the water in the Serra through very interesting routes.


In the Majorca Island all types of torrents at all kind of levels can be found. From those torrents that permit to be initiated in the practice of this sport, to those that technically present great difficulties.


Torrents with short but continuous jumps and torrents that present high jumps. Plenty of them house a population of FerreretAletys muletensis – the only Majorcan vertebrate that was not Canyoning in Mallorcaextinguished at the arrival of man, about 6000 years ago, therefore, when descending these torrents it is up to all of us to respect the inhabitants of these cold waters. Below please find a list of the classics of the “Serra”. The route does not include the approaches nor the return and the unevenness refers only to the sporting part of the torrent.

Excursion: Canyoning in Mallorca

Canyoning in Mallorca