Llucmajor – Randa – Monasteri de Cura – Randa – Montuiri – Sant Joan – Petra – Ermita Nrta. Sra. de Bonany – Felanitx – Monasteri Sant Salvador – Porreres – Monasteri de Montision – Porreres – Llucmajor.
Km: 105 – Difficulty: High – Approximate duration: 6 h.
Points of interest:
Each of the ascents and their respective monasteries.
Along this route we can see nearly the whole of the island of Mallorca from several different viewpoints.
We start the route in Llucmajor, from where we take the Algaida road towards the first of the ascents. We take a right turn and pass through the village of Randa, at whose exit we are faced with the steepest slopes, which become easier once we arrive in Gracia. We begin to gain height now and finally arrive at the monastery’s esplanade.
We descend once more until Randa, where we turn right, in the direction of Montiuri – Sant Joan and Petra. Once there, we take the short but cha- llenging slope to Bonany. Once we have managed this, we head for Petra and, from there, we take the roads MA-3310 and then MA-5110 to Felanitx.
Here we cycle along the MA-4010 towards Porto Colom, turning right in order to being the arduous slope to Sant Salvador. We return on the same road until Felanitx, in the direction of Campos, and after approximately one kilometre we take the path to Son Mesquida which leads us to Porreres. This is where we have to climb the last and easiest of the four slopes of this route.