Ingredients for 4 people:
• 200 ml olive oil • 4 cloves of garlic • 5 small fresh onions • 4 vine tomatoes • 200 g cauliflower • 150 g peas • 4 artichoke • 1 green pepper • 2 spoonfuls chopped parsley • 1 bunch of spinach • 1 medium cabbage • 200 g baguette bread (soup), salt, pepper and water.
It is a typical dish of Mallorca, is taken as a starter.
Put a clay casserole dish on the flame with some olive oil. Lightly fry the onion, garlic and parsley.
Next add the tomatoes and green pepper (sliced). Fry lightly for a few minutes. Then add the sliced cabbage and, after rinsing well, the sliced artichokes. Fry the vegetables together for a good while. Add water until the ingredients are covered.
Add the cauliflower, spinach, peas, and salt and pepper to taste. Leave to simmer until the cauliflower is cooked through.
Turn off the heat and add the bread. Leave to rest for a few minutes before serving.
Note: Another variation of this dish is the meat soups. The preparation is the same, with either bacon and/or pork loin (sliced) being added to the frying vegetables.