There are three kinds of herb liquor: sweet, semidry and dry, depending on their content of anisette and liquor. Sweet liquors contain three parts of anisette and one part of liquor (such as Cazalla). The semidry ones have a 50/50 proportion. Dry liquors contain only liquor.
Look for a bottle with a wide neck. For larger quantities it is convenient to use a carafe. Try to collect the herbs in spring in order to use freshly picked ingredients.
Wash the herbs and put them into the carafe or into the bottles. Fill them with anisette or Cazalla liquor. Then store the liquor in a dry and cool place for three to four months and do not move the bottles. Once this period has passed, you can serve the drink directly from the bottle. If you use a carafe, strain the liquor into a bottle and put some well-conserved twigs inside.
Ingredients for the preparation
of one litre of herb liquor:
one lemon balm twig,
one fennel shoot,
a camomile twig,
some fresh mint,
two lemon leaves,
a sage leave,
some green pine needles,
three juniper berries
and three coffee beans.
Please remember to drink with moderation… Cheers!