Mallorca is established as the land of wines and Vins Can Coleto, a winery located in Petra, is an exact reflection of that.
The ones that stand out the most are the Camí de Son Eixut, a 100% merlot, and the Llàgrimes Blanques, which has received various Spanish awards. The Summum special reserve is the most exclusive wine in the collection, ideal for consumption during the holiday season. The Negre Mediterrani and the Negre Virat, also Crianza wines, are joined by the Negre Suau and the Blanc de Negres, the brand’s cheapest wines.
The winery has two and a half hectares dedicated to cultivation and produces 18,000 liters of wine per year. Since the year it was released, it has been protected under a designation of origin with the name “Pla I Llevant”, which distinguishes the wines’ quality. The Can Coleto wines are primarily sold in Mallorca.