genista-valdes-bermejoi_1This broom is endemic to Mallorca, densely spined and in the form of small, round bushes especially in windy areas.






Nombre científico: Genista valdes-bermejoi Talavera & L. Sáez.

Family: Leguminosae.
Genus: Genista.
Distributed over the islands: Mallorca.
Status: Endemic.
IUCN Category: Vulnerable.
Habitat: Zonas rocosas del litoral y en las montañas expuestas al viento.
Vital Forms: Chamaephyte.
Flowering time: May.




The stems are thick and rigid, and the trifoliolate leaves fall-off with ease.

Flowers in May, the flowers are yellow and solitary.

Can be confused with Genista lucida, which is also very spiny and rounded in shape, but can be told apart as for the later the stems are less rigid with finer spines, with only simple leaves.
