+Mallorca kooperiert mit RTVE
RTVE television program ‚Aquí la Tierra‘ (Here the Earth) contacted +Mallorca requesting help and collaboration to film this program, for everywhere and every places of Spain, better known about Mallorca.
RTVE television program ‚Aquí la Tierra‘ (Here the Earth) contacted +Mallorca requesting help and collaboration to film this program, for everywhere and every places of Spain, better known about Mallorca.
Más Mallorca Magazine recently obtained the diploma CAEB Environment Award 2009, in recognition of their commitment and hard work in protecting the environment.
This is a portal for self-diagnosis in PRL (Occupational Health and Safety).This 2011 the Cabinet of prevention, quality and environment of the CAEB, with funding from the Govern de les Illes Balears and the European Social Fund, presents www.autodiagnosticoprl.es, platform that allows the company to carry out self-diagnosis or assessment on the management of occupational health and safety in your company.
Editorial staff. Palma. diariodemallorca.es
Más Mallorca is known to be a magazine that is published periodically to reflect the traditional festivals that take place on those dates. The eponymous site is an extensive supplement to the magazine, which also can be viewed on-line.
Más Mallorca Magazin war einer der Hauptgründe für Mallorca Radfahren in einer noch nie da gewesenen Art und Weise, zahlreiche Aufgaben, unter denen macht der offizielle Sponsor Radsport-Team der Balearen war. Das Erbe geht weiter, auch außerhalb unserer Inseln.
Weitere Informationen zu FCIB: www.webfcib.es